Digital minimalism attempt

After listening to a Cal Newport interview I’m thinking about digital in my life and what I can get rid of. Having worked in social media I view it as a tool more so than most people do.

Obviously we are presenting ourselves in a particular way. When were we not?

I use these platforms to tell particular stories in particular ways. Whether conscious or not it’s all a choice.

I do worry about how distracted and anxious I am. I wonder if these spaces are truly serving me.

I’d like for my Twitter relationships to exist more in life and less on my screens. I want to see people more. I want my relationships to be more real.

I use these platforms to connect, to share, to learn, to feel less alone. Yet, they eat up so much of my time.

Doing what I do I think I’d lose far too much if I ditched twitter and Instagram but I also don’t want to give them more than a few pieces of my valuable and very limited time.

These days Twitter just seems sad. Once it was fun. Now I can just assume that everything will continue to be awful and that at best we’ll do very little about it and that probably it’ll actively get worse.

The world is burning, we aren’t doing much about it and I can’t take it.

I’m gonna look at pictures of hedgehogs wearing hats. I’m gonna blog more.

I don’t really know.

I make this stuff and I don’t know what to do with it. I should put it somewhere but where? What’s a good place for these things?

Maybe I’m just not doing content minimalism. I don’t need to share every photo. Eventually I have to make choices.

Anyways I turned off notifications on my phone for a bunch of apps. He talks about how bad for us all the bings are. Maybe they’re why my attention is always so divided?

I’ll try anything. If breaking has any perks it’s the willingness to be open to things. The notifications aren’t making my life better so who needs them