Record of loss

This quote pulled me today. It’s about loss and change. I don’t know where I got it from. I wasn’t keeping track then apparently.

It makes me think of “God of Loss” by Darlingside, a song that comes up a lot these days. Partially because it’s topical. Partially because it’s in my forest fires playlist.

I think about what we’ve lost, all collectively at once. I think about grief, a personal and ongoing process as I recover from injuries, as I mourn the future I’d had planned and no longer have. We are all in different ways grieving the future we’d had planned and that we’d lost.

We also live in an era of broader loss and precariousness, something that we must all reckon with.

But there is also the fact that the only thing we can be certain of is change, that being alive means loss to some extent. With that loss comes new things.

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