fore + shadow

The book I’m reading atm -- Fish do not Exist by Lulu Miller -- has some excellent foreshadowing in it. Things come back around and I’m like yes you did mention that briefly

Do I do this as I minimize things, as I slowly let details unfold about myself, about what’s on my mind?

Do we do this as we test the water for bigger things? Things that we’re afraid to say?

As we ease into phase 2, as we go back into the world what is being foreshadowed? What is being planned?

What was foreshadowed and ignored in reports many moons ago? How do ideas and threads and thoughts echo through time and culture? Through lives?

What is being foreshadowed by this moment now? What choices do we make about the future? In a few chapters where will we find ourselves?

2020.05.09 fore + shadow.png