Flashback Friday: North central Calgary times

Going through files — if I can get my files in order then I can get my life in order, right — and found a couple of gems from my Calgary life back in 2017.

One is of the Rosso, one of the few local coffee chains that has bothered to open a location in the North (looking at you Phil & Sebastian). The South always felt cooler so it was nice to have a local spot to go to.

The other is from a Confederation Creek protest march. Those were the days of raucous watershed activism.

East Village, Inglewood and Ramsay wanders

Some of these shots overlap with stuff I'm going to include in my Calgary Bay essay — I swear I'm working on it and it will actually happen. I was at the confluence and felt like it made sense.

I generally love Inglewood and Ramsay. They're nice fun communities, though a bit too nimby we love single-family homes for my liking.

YYC wanders

Some shots from wanders around various bits of Calgary.

The +15 dude is simply the greatest. Full stop.

I did a Chinatown tour a while back and it included the murals tucked away in some of those back alleys there. Not a particularly nice space — basically garbage, freight and parking — but has a lot of potential and is a unique aspect of the area.

Also, hit up the off to the side pathway with the peaceful wandering path and great views of the city and chances to take lots of water shots.

Get lost

Where I attempt to go on a hike. Feel anxious about highway driving — it's pretty terrifying. Have trouble finding the hike but feel all lugubrious. Ask for directions. Happen to be asking the author of the trail guide book I'm holding. She's super friendly. The hike turns out to be really pretty.

A year and a bit later I decide to edit the photos because I'm back to dealing with those sorts of things.